It’s now a Graffiti Life tradition – Valentines Day just wouldnt be Valentines Day to us without a love-filled mural. Each year we down tools and take some time to think about what would make us smile on Valentine’s Day. Truth is, we love painting, so any excuse to spread the love is good enough for us…
Whatever you think of Valentines Day – (commercial nonsense, money-spinning marketing scam, an excuse to torture single folk by flaunting images of choreographed happiness and selling everything in twos…), it does have one very important thing going for it; It’s a day focused on love. This year we decided not to concentrate solely on romantic love, but on any type of love that passes between two people, love of all kinds, all shapes and sizes. Sisters, friends, lovers, colleagues, a kind word between two strangers in the street… Love makes things better.
So as well as our usual mural, we decided to add a nifty little feature to help spread the love.
(Drumroll….) Introducing The Shoreditch Love Bench! A place to sit and pass the time with a loved one, a friend, or a complete stranger.
There’s only one rule – Be kind, and spread the love!
The Love Bench is a temporary pop-up, so catch it while you can, or check out our work in progress video.