Our new space ‘The Graffiti Life Gallery‘ debuted a new show on the 1st of August and it was our most ambitious to date.
Over 35 of the worlds best graffiti artists, tattoo artists, sign writers and urban artists displayed over 250 pieces of previously unseen work, taken directly from their sketchbooks. The idea for the show came about during a discussion about how people never really see our sketchbook work and the way that we put ideas together, they only see the finished result. The show boasts a huge array of styles, owing to the diverse ways in which different artists use their sketchbooks. Some of the work is free and fluid other pieces are a lot more polished and refined. There are sketches of portraits, life drawing and realistic styles, graffiti letters, characters and some mixed media experiments.
We built a fence around the entire gallery to clip work to, pieces varied in size and even material – with some work on cardboard and wood. Some artists even framed their pieces, these juxtaposed against torn paper sheets with paint splats on make for an awesome visual. This is the third show we have had and the opening night was the busiest to date with hundreds of people heading down and joining the street party outside the gallery.
The show runs until the 1st ofnSeptember, details on the gallery can be found at http://thegraffitilifegallery.co.uk
If you can’t get to the show, don’t worry, all work is available here