Star Wars The Force Awakens has finally arrived and it seems like the entire galaxy is buzzing about episode 7. We were recently commissioned to paint the new film’s latest Sith Lord (bad guy) ‘Kylo Ren’. One of our graffiti artists realised Ren’s likeness on a large canvas, using nothing but spraypaint. The portrait is incredibly detailed, including the character’s new lightsaber that is shaped like a sword painted in all it’s glowing glory! We were lucky enough to have the piece endorsed by Lucas Film and Disney, who sent us the reference for the painting before the film’s release – an exciting moment for us, even though we were sworn to secrecy! This piece took our graffiti artist just over 12 hours to create and was given away in an online competition by Moonpig.
As a celebration of the new film we decided to collate all of our Star Wars fan art on to one page for you guys.. While putting this post together we realised how many pieces of Star Wars art we have made over the years, and it’s a lot.. From giant wall murals, to canvases and markerpen wall art, we have celebrated our fandom in many different styles. We’ve even ‘vandalised’ an ATAT walker, adorning the original vehicle with pieces that are a homage to famous graffiti artists over the years.
One Yoda piece is now owned by the lead singer of the Barenaked Ladies and resides in Toronto, Canada in the singer’s huge games room. Hopefully the new film will not disappoint and lots more fan art will be created by our artists, maybe we’ll even revisit Episode One and see if it’s really as bad as we remember…
We’ve painted a few Star Wars pieces over the past few years. Here’s a few of our favourites:
It’s been a busy few months for us here at Graffiti Life, be sure to check our blog for some of the other projects we’ve been involved with and get in touch if you have some boring walls that need to be transformed with some vibrant artwork!