Here we are again with another mini update! Our Graffiti artists have been super busy painting murals, creating art live at events and running workshops. Here are a couple of smaller projects that are still definitely worth a mention.
Urban decay Palettes
When you Google Urban Decay, ‘Naked palette’ is the first suggestion. As one of the company’s best-selling makeup products, UD has created a brand around this popular product. We were tasked with hand painting a bunch of palettes which Urban Decay then sent out to special brand ambassadors. Each one is completely unique and a number of different techniques were used to create them.
Leicester theatre set
We travelled to the beautiful Curve Theatre in Leicester to paint the backdrop of a new performance debuting at the venue. Two of our graffiti artists worked with the creative director of the play and realised his vision. We painted graffiti tags onto the stage backdrop, the idea was for the tags to not be completely readable. We used a small amount of UV paint to pop certain areas of the backdrop. The play is performed by a cast of young people and involves singing, modern dance and acting.
Live art for Hitachi
Hitachi is a huge company that started in Japan over 100 years ago. As well as televisions, projectors and other electronics they also produce railway vehicles and systems. The team that works on these systems hosted their annual conference in London this year and invited one of our graffiti artists to the event to produce some live art on the night. Our artist created a marker pen masterpiece in a short space of time and the design was shaped by the guests as they got interactive and suggested what should be added to the piece.
If you have an idea for a commercial graffiti project then drop us a line. Our project managers will guide you through the process.