If you’re reading this then I’m guessing Star Wars probably grabbed a hold of you at some point in your life and has never let go. The same thing happened to me. I remember being 4 or 5, kneeling far too close to the screen watching Return of the Jedi on my parents Betamax machine, transfixed. From then on I was hooked, every carboot sale I went to in the 80’s and 90’s was focused around grabbing as many Kenner Star Wars figures as my grubby mitts could carry. I drew Star Wars characters on my exercise books at school, and to be honest, I probably wouldn’t be an artist today had it not been for obsessively scribbling my own twisted versions of Jabba and Han.
As I got older the internet killed the carboot sale booty (thanks eBay) but my love for the ‘western in space’ has continued. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those weird ones, you know, the ones that are waaay too into it. I don’t queue for the films a week before release, I don’t dress up, those guys are fanatical, they take it too far, right? I will give you an unapproving look if you say “I’ve never seen Star Wars”, but that’s about the extent of my fandom, that and the fact that I’ll spend 8 hours making a giant mural of the bumbling busybody C-3PO.
So maybe I’m in denial about being a ‘megafan’, but painting Star Wars related images is always so fun. I chose C-3PO to celebrate this year’s Star Wars Day (May 4th (may the fourth be with you)) for two reasons. One; I feel that this droid doesn’t really get much love, sure he’s annoying sometimes, but every double act needs a straight man, plus he’s in EVERY film so I have to begrudgingly love him. Two; I knew that painting his metallic casing was going to be a massive challenge!
I painted the droid on a rooftop in East London. We have plans for the wall, so he won’t be around for long, but if you head to Shoreditch High Street station in the next couple of weeks you can’t really fail to miss him.
Hungry for more? Let us show you the way of the Force… Several of our graffiti artists are crazy about Star Wars, so we’ve made quite a few fan-art paintings over the years. Make the jump to hyperspace >>HERE<< and view our TOP TEN Star Wars Paintings!