For the fourth consecutive year our graffiti artists have been invited back to the London Tattoo Convention for a live art performance. Every year over 3 days our team of graffiti artists paint a series of masterpieces as the huge crowds watch on. This show is always fun for us and is one of the events where we are asked the most questions. Our team of professional artists are always happy to share tips and techniques to those that are interested and the creative crowd at this convention are always super inquisitive.
The convention is held at the Tobacco Dock, which has the perfect atmosphere for this meeting of artistic styles from all over the world. We are always inspired by the amazing art on display throughout the venue and it drives us forward to produce the best work that we possibly can.
This year our first order of business was to paint the alternative model and tattooer Cleo Wattenström, who was signing copies of her 2014 calendar at the event. We also painted model, actress and friend of the Graffiti Life family Ellis Cooper. The paintings were received well but for day two we decided to be a little less serious; the subjects for our next two paintings were Will Feral’s character from Anchorman – Ron Burgundy and professional wrestling mainstay ‘The Undertaker’. These paintings seemed to capture the imagination of the crowds and sparked some interesting conversations. We’re already looking forward to next year and challenging ourselves even more!
We love painting live, it’s the perfect addition to any event and our versatile graffiti artists can tailor artwork to suit any theme or message. We can promote a product or just entertain your guests. If you have some ideas get in touch.