We were recently asked to paint some artwork for the new ‘Bonobo’ album ‘Migration’.
Bonobo is the work of Simon Green, a producer and DJ from LA. He has been using the Bonobo name since 1999 and popularity of the project has steadily risen. Signed to the cult classic label Ninja Tune, the new album ‘Migration’ is due for release in January next year, but the promotion has already started. That’s where Graffiti Life come in…
Two murals were completed, one in London, one in LA as our expert artists took on the challenge of replicating the album artwork presented to us. We created a realistic scene packed with lots of detail, adding intricate details to the surrounding rock faces, the grass and of course the fire explosion in the centre of the wall. Our video crew put together this awesome video of the art works being created, with nothing but spraypaint and love!
Simon was staying in Shoreditch, right by the site for the London wall and so came down to have a look at the wall, he gave it his seal of approval which was a cool moment for our artists. Many passersby were also commenting and taking photos of the work being made, which always makes the painting process more rewarding.
It is this kind of public reaction that makes hand painted murals the ideal way to advertise. It captures the public’s imagination and our artists never fail to impress with their execution of campaign artwork. We use any technique we can to create the perfect image and to resurrect the lost art of the hand painted advertisement. If you have a project that needs something more than just a set of boring posters then contact us today and see the amazing options that can bring your campaign to life.