Interactive Live Art with Medtronic
Here at Graffiti Life we love what we do and when we get opportunity to share our experiences and skills we thrive on it. We offer companies, communities, schools and individuals workshops to learn the tricks, tips and techniques that you need to become a world class graffiti artist. But more than often we get thrown a challenge, when a company wants to incorporate live art, a workshop and mural all into one event, on one canvas!
When Medtronic approached us asking if we would like to be part of their annual event of course we were pleased to accept – however the list of requirements they needed to fulfill was large and at first we were hesitant to how we were just going to fit all the elements into one event. So our project managers got thinking, head scratching and brain storming to how we could encompass a mural that would cover all bases.
The mural itself needed to include certain elements, such as there logo and the face of the campaign. Therefore we decided to break down the mural into different sections focusing on the different elements Medtronic wanted to include: live art, realistic mural and workshop/interactive art. The canvas was first prepared by one of our realistic graffiti artists by painting the character in the centre of the piece when guest where arriving to the conference. Our artists then invited attendees to help complete the mural through actively adding shapes, words and outlines: resulting in one magnificent joint mural.
If you would like to incorporate a piece of art into your event, please contact one of our project managers today.