Hand painted advertising is a favourite vocation of ours, we mix the techniques of traditional sign painters with those of modern street artists for impactful results.
Our latest ambitious piece of hand painted advertising is situated in Clarkenwell, East London. Sitting upon a gigantic 15 metre high wall, this project has quickly become a highlight of our year so far, and one of our most challenging installations to date. The chosen location is passed by thousands each day and was the perfect, high profile, site for our most recent assignment; a huge wall mural advertisement for the latest chapter of the Halo video game series.
With each passing year video game visuals seem to become increasingly impressive, and the fifth instalment of Halo surpasses the graphics of it’s predecessors at every turn. This is great news for our graffiti artists, giving us a wealth of lavish imagery to work with and challenge us by pushing our artistic talents to the limits!
This behemoth took our team 4 days to complete as they toiled under the unpredictable London skies. Using scissor lifts our artists scaled the 15 metre structure and painstakingly recreated every detail of the Halo 5 imagery provided to us. As one of our most ambitious hand painted advertising projects to date we decided upon a number of techniques to recreate the complex artwork of the game. The final touch of the “Heroes Never Die” catch line was adhered to the wall using stencils, but the rest of the wall was painted free hand, a testament to the skill of our fantastic graffiti artists.
The campaign was such a success that we also created a sister piece, just minutes away, by the Old Street roundabout. Images of the art have already been viewed over a million times on social media, making the breadth of reach of this project absolutely huge.
There is no greater way to garner attention than with hand painted advertising. Your message will be meticulously crafted by our skilled artisans with incredible detail, the admiration of this craft by the public makes engagement easy, and the results are tangible and easy to recognise. For more details get in touch with us now.