Part two of our exclusive event for L’Oréal Paris. This was a lot of fun! One of our favourite services is hosting graffiti workshops; our artists are super passionate about the artform and promoting the positives of graffiti and street art. There is no better way to gain an appreciation for graffiti than picking up a spraycan for yourself and over the years we have developed a workshop programme that teaches the essential skills but also works as a teambuilding activity by bringing groups together as they work on their paintings.
L’Oréal are currently promoting their new range of ‘Colorista’ and had arranged some special events for their VIP guests of social media influencers from all over Europe. The company laid on a host of special events and one of them was a graffiti workshop. Graffiti works perfectly with the Colorista brand because it is essentially spray paint for hair! L’Oréal wanted their guest to experience using real spraycans and express the creativity the group uses on their hair onto the walls.
We met the large group of 50 at our East London venue and introduced them to our expert graffiti artists. We started the session with a quick introduction to the history of graffiti and street art and moved on to teaching the basics of using a spraycan. By the end of the workshop, the group had put their new found skills into practice and each group completed a ‘Colorista’ piece of graffiti art. This served as a great promotion for our client and because the group had such a good time they were all posting images to social media, helping spread the brand’s reach.
We ended the activity by customising hats with graffiti names for the guests before they were whisked away for their next VIP experience. Graffiti workshops are the perfect way to get a message across in a really fun way and our artists love taking a group with little or no experience in using spraypaint and helping them to create a masterpiece in a short amount of time. To enquire about the different team building options available please drop us a line and a project manager will build a bespoke package for you.