A Graffiti Team-Building Workshop with PepsiCo
The IT department from PepsiCo invited us to join them for their Summer Party which was set in a beautiful 18th century mansion house, nestled among acres of Royal Berkshire countryside.
Ninety employees from the PepsiCo IT department came together to hold a conference in the morning before enjoying the beautiful weather on the lawns with a massive BBQ lunch and some outdoor games. The PepsiCo team enjoyed playing giant Jenga, football, croquet and connect-4 before sitting out in the sun with an ice-cream, taking in the stunning landscape.
After lunch, the guys made their way over to our graffiti artists, who had set up a bespoke graffiti workshop activity under the shade of a large marquee. The artists greeted the PepsiCo team with disposable overalls, gloves and masks then got everyone to dress up in the PPE before making them guess what the activity they’d be doing next… the quick-witted team were fast to guess that they’d be involved in a Graffiti Teambuilding Workshop!
Our graffiti artists started the teambuilding activity by leading their groups of 20 participants through the tricks and techniques of spray-painting, starting with the basics before moving onto more complex techniques such as fades, drop-shadows and shines. Once everyone had practised and perfected their newly learnt skills, our artists guided smaller groups to get started on the second workshop activity, creating their own group canvas.
The ninety participants were split into twelve groups, who each worked collaboratively on large canvas sized 1.5m by 1.3m. Each canvas had a set of pre-drawn lines marked out by our graffiti artists prior to the workshop. The groups were encouraged to fill the canvas with colours and patterns, whilst also keeping within the pre-drawn lines.
Towards the end of the graffiti team-building workshop, the groups were told that the lines marked on their canvases joined together to reveal a larger mural when placed next to each other in the correct order. Racing to piece their canvases together in a giant puzzle activity, the teams revealed two phrases ‘BIS Better Together’ and ‘Winning As One PepsiCo’. The artwork they revealed looked incredible, and top marks were given to the team who had best executed their new graffiti techniques.
For the final part of the workshop, each individual created their own personalised graffiti t-shirt to take home as a memento of the day.
If you’re looking for an alternative team-building activity for your office, why not consider graffiti team-building? Our graffiti workshops are completely bespoke, so if you have anything in particular in mind then get in touch!
Find out more about our Graffiti Team-Building.