Somewhereto_ are a company funded by the Legacy Trust who find space for 16-25 year olds to do the things they love whether that be arts, culture of sports and they asked us to join them for the launch of Somewhereto_ Show Off, a competition to find the best of the UK talent fronted by Adam Deacon who Timeout described as the ‘new face of new cinema’.
Artists, performers, dancers and musicians are invited to film a 60 second piece showcasing their talent and send it in and 20 finalists will be selected to come and perform infront of Adam Deacon and four celebrity friends for the chance to go into the second round at a secret London venue. Next 10 will perform on a band stand to thousands. The overall winner will feature in their own film directed by Adam Deacon in Rio de Janeiro, the phone of the 2016 Olympic Games.
To mark the launch of the event Graffiti Life’s artist Adam was asked to go to St. Pancras to perform a piece of live art to inspire and get things going. To keep in fitting with the home of the Olympics he chose to depict a London scene including a tube, the Gherkin and Tower Bridge. Using just marker pens on a 3 ft square board in just a couple of hours a London skyline appeared. Two female vocalists, yo yo guy and twat beat boxer
Georgia from SBTV came down to report on the event which is expected to get so many people involved. Somewhereto_ wants to encourage kids whatever their background and wherever they’re from to be able to do what they love by providing a platform for free. It’s a great project and we were really pleased to be involved.