If you’re interest in the fading remains of what once was, then ghost signs are for you. Ghost signs are found across the world, with the United Kingdom, France and the United States of America having many surviving examples.
These ghost signs provide a fascinating insight into advertising, craft and local history, but are now under threat from the elements and constant urban renewal. Originally ghosts signs were advertisements, painstakingly painted by brush onto the sides of buildings and brick work in many city areas. Ghost signs are the remains of these advertisements – providing a window into old fashioned brands and trade logos. Many signs are still visible on most of our streets and there are regular tours around areas where they still exist.
Due to this deep history of craft and advertising, Graffiti Life’s artists are regularly called upon to create such ghost signs, to either advertise or signify a business. Most recently Fulwell 73 asked our graffiti artists to revamp their entrance by creating a modern ghost sign featuring their logo.
Fulwell 73 are an independent, London based production company who specialise in film and TV productions. Establishing themselves in 2005 the company has grown from strength to strength – exploding into the production and post-production industry. Their client list is impressive with Fulwell working regularly with the BBC, numerous popular music groups and sports entertainment.
For this ghost sign in particular, we began by creating a large stencil which covered the whole wall this was due to the intricacies of the logo, and wanting to get the font exactly right for our client. Before the stencil was hung our graffiti artists prepared the background of the wall – finely coating the wall with spray dust, to achieve this worn ghost sign style. Once the background was complete we then layered the stencil over and repeated the process to create this wonderful traditional looking ghost sign.
If you would like our artists to create a ghost sign for you please get in touch today!