Pladis might not be a name you’re familiar with, but you’ve almost certainly eaten their biscuits!
Pladis is combines the brands McVitie’s, Jacobs, BN Biscuits, Go Ahead and others. Their products are sold in over 120 countries and reach more than 4million people world wide. We were asked to help brighten up an area in their UK office, situated in Hayes.
After seeing photos of the space within the Pladis staff canteen area, we spoke to the office manager who wanted to arrange some artwork. She also mentioned that she would like staff members to have some input into the design. The area in question was four large white partitions down the centre of the canteen. We love big blank walls, taking them and making them something a little more inspiring. Seeing as we had been asked to involve staff we suggested the idea of a Doodle Jam.
Now if everyone is let loose with a pen and their imagination you can get some cool results, but it doesn’t always go that way. Seeing as we had been given quite a strict branding guide we designed a wall using the company’s assets. One of our graffiti artists prepared the walls the day before the jam, laying out an outline that the staff members could follow. The next day our team worked with the staff members and produced a masterpiece that they are all proud of. Everyone grabbed a pen and worked within the lines that we had set out, creating colourful patterns within the biscuits and branding that we had sketched onto the wall. Working with teams in this way provides artwork that staff feel ownership of, and can always point to ‘that’s the bit that I did!’
If you have some boring walls we’d love to bring them to life. And if you have staff that want to do something completely different then let us know. We have a number of teambuilding activities that they will definitely enjoy.