The best thing about being a professional graffiti artist is that each day is different. One day you may be running a workshop with some kids, the next you’re working on a huge graffiti advertising project for a global brand. 2016 has been pretty hectic for us so far and a highlight is a recent project for one of our regular clients; Disney. This event certainly kept the variety going and was anything but a regular film debut…
Zootropolis is the newest Disney animation and it’s brilliant. The script works on kid and grown up friendly levels simultaneously, it’s funny and so packed full of intricate details. Disney hosted a screening of the film, for invited guests, at a pop up cinema on Brick Lane in East London. The venue was three minutes walk from our studio, so when we were invited to do some live art at the event we were stoked. Our graffiti artists work all over the world but a lot of our work is conveniently also right on our doorstep!
We worked with Disney on a design that was to created throughout the event, culminating in a finished product featuring some of Zootropolis’ main characters. The best thing about working on a Disney project is the rich wealth of artwork that we get to play with. The event team decided they wanted ‘Mr Big’ as the focus of the piece, but they also wanted to feature his two polar bear sidekicks. The problem we were presented with is that Big is in fact a tiny vole in the movie and Disney didn’t want any of the characters to be painted small. We played around with a few ideas and by placing Mr Big on a table we were able to create the perspective of the bears in the background, without loosing the detail of the characters.
The event was great fun, with live music, dancers dressed as animals, free toys given away and lots of wildlife themed food and drink. Our live art piece was met with a round of applause by all the guests once we had finished, a first for us as far as I can remember! This was the cherry on top of the cake and put another amazing project into the portfolio.
Our expert artists are able to design artwork to match specifications, so that your guests will see work created from beginning to end in the space of time that we are allotted. If you’re interested in a live art performance please get in touch with your specifications and a project manager will guide you through the process.