Here at Graffiti Life we love transforming the old, odd, weird and wonderful into something amazing, fresh and new. Whether it’s up-cycling an old chair, reinventing an old shirt or changing a building into a masterpiece, we enjoy doing it! Therefore when a recent client came to us and showed us their roof top, which featured an alien-looking lift shaft, we started to scratch our heads and began thinking about what we could transform this hunk of lead into…
After much deliberation in the office, and discussion with the graffiti artists, our client finally settled with turning the lift shaft into a vintage carousel. The carousel was designed especially for the space as we wanted to include as much detail as possible. This was tricky as the lift shaft was not a flat surface – it had pipes, lumps and bumps all over! Therefore, to disguise these features, we incorporated a backdrop and chose our horses carefully as we didn’t want the carousel to look too cartoon-like and out of place. To complete the design, we added final personalised touches to the horses by naming them in honour of the business’s founding members. We finished off the graffiti carousel by featuring classic steps at the bottom, and adding branding in a distinctive circus font to the top.
However, the work did not stop there The Specialist Works were in the process of transforming their roof top into a vintage seaside scene so we were asked to graffiti some fun additional details. These included adding some Punch and Judy-style waves along the edge of the roof as well as painting some classic seaside cut-outs on the bathroom doors!
Overall, the team worked this over a week to produce the work and it was not all plain sailing! Due to the difficult access points on the roof, scaffolding and specialist team members were needed. However, Graffiti Life rose to the challenge and completed the work to – the company in the building opposite even thought that the carousel was real!
If you have a space which you don’t know quite what do to with, or an object you would like transforming then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team today !