Today, portraits come in many forms, but most common is the profile picture. In this one tiny picture we try to sum up the very essence of ourselves, cramming in our personality to show not only our friends but the rest of the world – each one being as original as the person behind the screen.
This is why our friends Grolsch have chosen to continue celebrating their 400 years of originality by collaborating with our team of home-grown street and professional graffiti artists to make your profile pictures even more original.
Currently, Grolsch has been asking people to share their profile pictures with them via social media to take part in the campaign. If your photo is picked one of our talent artists will complete restyle and redesign it for you – giving you a brand new original piece of art to use as your profile picture. These images will then sit alongside a range of content that includes interviews with the artists, behind-the-scenes footage and articles discussing famous portraits throughout history.
The competition closes tomorrow, on 24th June so there’s still a little bit of time to submit your photo. To enter all you need to do is tweet #Grolsch400 or comment on the relevant Facebook posts with an image of yourself. Grolsch will then select the 400 at random to pass on to our graffiti artists. Get friends involved and keep an eye on @Grolsch_UK for any updates. We will, of course, be sharing the final masterpieces – could your photo be the next Mona Lisa?