We are quite frequently contacted with graffiti emergencies; last minute jobs where our clients suddenly realise that a graffiti artist is the only way to achieve the desired outcome of their project. One such instance was this series of wall murals for Global Knowledge. The global...

Yesterday two of our graffiti artists were performing live at the YMS LDN event in East London. YMS stands for Youth Marketing Strategy and is an event that focuses on the challenging demographic of ‘millenials’, with a host of guest speakers and big brands attending. YMS...

Last night the debut episode of the new season of Britains Next Top Model hit our screens in the UK. We were asked to create some live art at the premiere screening event in London! The VIP event was attended by fashion industry experts, bloggers, the...

Part two of our exclusive event for L'Oréal Paris. This was a lot of fun! One of our favourite services is hosting graffiti workshops; our artists are super passionate about the artform and promoting the positives of graffiti and street art. There is no better...

This year, because we love you, we’ve made some Valentines Day Disney fan art! This giant image of Mickey and Minnie is on a hoarding in East London and is bringing some much-needed love to the area. The weather is freezing but the beautiful thing...

2015 was a killer year for us, we completed projects in Dubai, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, the USA and of course across the UK. We helped promote three major movies, created stunning hand painted advertisements for a range of clients and completely transformed over 100 blank...

Here in the Graffiti Life offices we love a spot of retro gaming. In fact we are quite a fan of anything retro, but particularly gaming. There is just such an awesome and unique feel to the imagery that modern games hardly touch on. I’m...

For the last half century, D&AD has supported and inspired excellent among those working in the creative, design and advertising industries across the world. And it has been Graffiti Life’s pleasure to collaborate with them in this year festival: New Blood. The New Blood Festival...

House Parties. For many of us this was where our mates became DJs, always had one too many drinks and ended up tagging and drawing on things we shouldn’t have (typical graffiti artist behaviour!! Tut tut!) But love them or hate them one thing we...

It’s not often that we get asked to paint evil criminal genius however last week we were approached to graffiti a realistic portrait of the great Fu Manchu. For those who don’t know, Fu Manchu is a fictional character who featured in a series of 20th...

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